Jane’s Story

Jane* was recruited for a job to work in Hong Kong that would provide quick money to support her children back home in the Philippines. Her recruiter arranged for Jane to receive a fake domestic helper visa through a shady agency where she was charged extravagant boarding and “management fees”. Jane was required to pay off these debts over the next few years selling sex in Hong Kong. She was subject to forced labour, sexual abuse and restricted freedom of movement in where she was held. 

Through Dignity Institute’s integrated assessment, we quickly determined that Jane was a victim of human trafficking, but she also faces many legal hurdles given the circumstances. It was agreed by our team that the first step would be for Jane to leave her exploiters immediately and arrangements were made for her to seek shelter at a nearby church. After multiple flight delays due to COVID-19, Jane finally returned to her home country where she is now safe. Dignity Institute is currently supporting her to pursue her legal redress.

*pseudonym used


Carina’s Story