Restoring Dignity to the most vulnerable in Hong Kong
We provide legal and psychosocial services to victims of human trafficking, forced marriage, people facing mental health discrimination and refugees. These individuals and families are often trapped in cycles of exploitation and abuse and face ongoing injustice and trauma.
Through our holistic and interdisciplinary approach, clients receive legal counsel and representation from our in-house Hong Kong-qualified lawyers. While at the same time receiving mental health support from our team of counsellors – helping them to understand and process the trauma that underpins their situation. The cases we take on have helped to establish groundbreaking legislative frameworks for the toughest social issues here in Hong Kong.
Invest in the restoration of DIGNITY
Focus of Our Work
Human Trafficking
In Hong Kong, there are an estimated 65,000 people trapped in modern slavery. We investigate cases of human trafficking and advocate for systemic change. We also provide vital legal and psychosocial support to our clients facing these situations of abuse and exploitation.
Asylum seekers come to Hong Kong hoping for refuge and a more stable future. However, many get stuck in limbo, facing various obstacles on this journey. We offer our clients expert and integrated support to navigate these complexities and uncertainties.
Mental Illnesses
People fighting mental illness report losing agency over their lives as they can no longer hold on to relationships, jobs, and their sense of worth. We collaborate with local authorities and other NGOs to support and advocate on behalf of our clients – ultimately helping to restore their dignity.
Vulnerable people in Hong Kong often face discrimination – finding themselves trapped in situations where they are unfairly treated and abused. We provide essential counselling support and legal services to our clients – working to break the cycles of discrimination.
Solomon’s Story
Solomon grew up in a small village in Nigeria. Before he was born, his father got into a land dispute with neighbouring villagers, who later killed Solomon’s mother and four of his siblings. One night, Solomon was brutally attacked with metal objects, to the point that he was hospitalised for five months, with a three-year paralysis on the left side of his body.
In 2010, Solomon fled to Hong Kong, where he met his wife Dora, a local Hong Kong resident. Together they are raising four young children, all under four years of age. Unfortunately, their children need extensive medical care, for a host of congenital and acute conditions. On top of their plight, Solomon’s dependent visa application was rejected, and if Solomon’s non-refoulement claim does not succeed at the final stage of the legal proceedings, he would be forced to separate from his family.
Since coming to HKDI, we have assisted him in gathering new evidence (such as medical records of his attack) and collaborated with a partner law firm to lodge a subsequent claim. HKDI also provides counselling services for Dora and Solomon. Solomon’s case shows the difficulties faced by asylum seekers who have families in Hong Kong, and the strenuous task of having to succeed in being granted protection in Hong Kong.
Since our launch in 2019
from 52 countries have sought our support services
have been provided incorporating quality legal counsel and mental health support
have been held engaging government actors, NGOs, and universities
have received our interdisciplinary training, including lawyers, NGO practitioners, policymakers, government actors and foreign domestic workers
Shop the Dignity Store
Shop our freshly stocked store for intricate ornaments and dolls crafted by refugees living in displacement throughout the world. Sales from our store enable refugees to contribute to their host country’s economy and strengthen their ties with local society. Your purchase also represents an unmistakable act of solidarity with refugees and an appreciation for the power of the human spirit.